School package
We want all children to be able to participate in lessons at school. Unfortunately, for families living in poverty it is difficult to afford notepads and pens for their children.
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We want all children to be able to participate in lessons at school. Unfortunately, for families living in poverty it is difficult to afford notepads and pens for their children.
Sports and play are important parts of childhood and also promote health. By purchasing a sports package, the children get a football that they can use during the breaks in school. That way you can contribute and give the children the chance to enjoy genuine “kids fun”.
One problem that many schools face is the lack of resources, which affects the study environment. When there is not enough seating for all students, it is difficult to focus on learning.
We believe that all children should have the right to attend school. So does the newly elected Tanzanian president John Magufuli, and at the beginning of the year he abolished school fees for elementary schools.
Join us and contribute to improved health and education for girls!
Child marriage and early pregnancy affect children’s schooling and health in a negative way. By educating both boys, girls and teachers about sexual and reproductive health rights in school, we can get involved at an early stage and influence social standards.
Poor sanitary conditions cause the spreading of diseases. The school’s lack of toilets is a contributing factor, which especially affects girls.