We have been given a 90-account by the Swedish Fundraising Control

We are happy to announce that we have been given a 90-account by the Swedish Fundraising Control. A 90-account is a quality seal for our activities and shows that we are a serious fundraising organization, where the funds collected go to the intended purpose (at least 75% of the total revenue) without unreasonable costs (maximum 25% of the total revenue). The Swedish Fundraising Control also audits our entire operations, which increases our transparency towards our donors. We want you as donor to have a good insight into our operations, and a 90-account contributes to this goal.

Only non-profit associations, foundations and religious communities that have been approved as 90-account holders by the Swedish Fundraising Control, and are audited by them, can get a seven-digit 90-account with PlusGiro or Bankgiro.

This means that we have now replaced our old bank giro number and Swish number against two new ones, and now also have a Plusgiro. Below you will find the new numbers that apply as of now.

Bank account: 900-5802

Plusgiro: 900580-2

Swish: 123 900 58 02

If you want to know more about 90-accounts and about how the Swedish Fundraising Control works, please visit their website.

Sara Andersson